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Your taste buds will thank you!
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About Us

Welcome y'all!

I'm so happy that you are here. My name is Britt and I am the cookie designer behind Sunflour Cookie Co. I started this venture in 2020 (crazy, I know) when I was a full-time elementary school teacher. What started out as a quarantine obsession, turned into an interesting hobby, and then a full-blown career change. I fell in love with cookie designing videos and decided to try it out for myself. 

It has been very exciting and nerve-racking to make this transition, but I am so glad I took this leap of faith! Thank you for joining me on this journey, where I'm constantly learning new things, improving my techniques, and challenging myself. I hope that my cookies can put a smile on your face. 

I'm blessed to be baking for y'all.

Love and frosting,
